Life at Tattva

The Tattva Group values its people above all else. The culture code at Tattva is defined by a set of core values that we have imbibed from our promoters. This foundation empowers employees to deliver their best and derive both professional and personal satisfaction. Every employee brings with them absolute accountability and commitment to work at The Tattva Group.

Work at Tattva is not regulated by policies, but is a way of life, unequivocally bound by integrity, innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Inclusive and diverse workplace

Tattva believes in fostering an environment that encourages merit and excellence. Priding itself as an equal opportunities employer, Tattva creates an inclusive workplace that welcomes genuine talent and nurtures employees to their highest potential.

A workplace that gets the best out of you

A challenging workplace that presents opportunities and continuous training to equip its workforce with requisite skills and latest developments in the industry.

Committed to lifelong learning

Leaders need to encourage employees to follow a path of personal and professional development. Every year the team, including the top management, attend development workshops to strengthen their team building, management skills and performance.

People at Tattva

At the core of our functioning are our biggest assets, our employees. Here is what they have to say about working with Tattva.

Gayatri Paul


I have been associated with Tattva for 2.5 years and have found the company’s greatest value in its commitment towards Sustainability. There is a sense of family around the workplace & I enjoy having the freedom to perform my duties & responsibilities by means I deem essential.

Harini Prakash

Results Engineering

My 4 years at the Tattva Group has only given me a healthy work environment and a good work-life balance. The Group’s work ethics & oneness are something that I like the most about Tattva. “Integrity” & “Team Work”, Tattva’s core values, not only remain etched on the pillars & boardrooms, but are also actually followed true to the letter & spirit.

Kavitha K

Tattva Group

Everyday at Tattva has been an enriching experience. I feel that the core values of Quality and Team Spirit are what represents the Group the best. Tattva offers a friendly atmosphere to work; everyone is approachable and believe in sharing their expertise. Working at Tattva Group is fun and at the same time a great way to build a career with a prestigious brand.

G Dharmaraj

Results Engineering

My 3 years with Tattva Group has given me great work-life balance. A truly professional organization, Tattva never compromises on quality! As an organization, Tattva operates with a positive attitude and has its priorities right. They care about their customers and employees, working considerately and competently with both to enable success. I am excited to be a part of a talented, experienced and enthusiastic team at Tattva.

Ross Gardiner


The diversity of the work that I do at PDi ensures that no day is like any other. The values that best represent Tattva are Integrity and Quality. Working for Tattva is challenging but rewarding; when you feel that your personal performance can directly impact the group it brings a sense of worth to what you produce as an engineer.

Murray Scott


I have been associated with Tattva since they purchased PDi in 2016. I enjoy the variety of engineering work scopes and challenges that are executed by PDi on behalf of the Tattva Group. I like the fact that Tattva promotes company and individual responsibility to deliver the appropriate level of service to our customers. It’s challenging but professionally rewarding to work for the Tattva Group.

Mohamed Isfer

Tattva Group

I have been with Tattva for close to a decade and there is never a day where I haven’t learnt something new! Tattva is a great place to work – Friendly environment, Flexible work schedules, Suggestions for changes are received openly, and the senior staff are more involved in employee welfare and happiness. Personally, Tattva has helped me find my identity.

Work With US

Careers at The Tattva Group span critical business functions such as Finance & Accounting, Strategy, Marketing and Human Resources. Tattva welcomes individuals who hold required academic and industry credentials and experience. In addition to domain expertise, Tattva looks for people with passion, commitment and integrity.

Open Positions

If you do not see a Job Description that fits your profile but you still want to join our growing organization, you can also email us your resume at

Opportunities at our Group Companies

For roles in our group companies, please visit respective company websites.

Opportunities available at PDi

Visit our Website for more